Category: News

Title: Faculty Profile: Seamus Hughes

Seamus Hughes
Where are you from and what path brought you to SSP?

I’m a local kid, born and raised in Maryland. I spent some time working in Congress, the intelligence community, and academia. I came to SSP because a number of my colleagues in the counterterrorism field reached out and asked if I’d be interested in teaching a class on homegrown terrorism.

What is your favorite thing about SSP?

The engaged students.

What are you working on right now?

I’m tracking the comings and goings of Americans who joined foreign terrorist organizations. Right now I’m cross-referencing court records with interviews I’ve done with returning American foreign fighters.

If you could teach any course at all, what would that be?

Congressional Oversight.

What would your advice be to SSP students hoping to start a career in your field?

You’re surrounded by folks who want to help you succeed. Don’t be afraid to ask them for help as you start your career. Someone did that for them when they were starting out.