Jean-Baptiste El Khoury
Admissions & Alumni Fellow
Jean-Baptiste El Khoury is a first-year M.A. Candidate in the Security Studies Program, pursuing a concentration in Technology and Security. Passionate about Outer Space Technology and the impact it has on societies across the world, his academic interests include the security challenges of satellite dependency. Jean-Baptiste joined the SSP Admissions & Alumni Fellowship in September 2024.
Jean-Baptiste is from France, and grew up in Lebanon. Before joining the SSP, he spent four years in Madrid, Spain, where he graduated from IE University with a bachelor's degree in International Relations. During his undergraduate program, he spent a semester abroad in Kyoto, Japan, taking part in the Politics and Global Studies Program at Doshisha University. Outside of the classroom, Jean-Baptiste mostly spends his time playing the guitar, meeting new people, and engaging with theater plays and poetry.