Professor Bruce Hoffman, Jacob Ware (SSP’19), and Ezra Shapiro (SSP’20) discuss the continuing terrorist threat of the incel movement, the complicated counterterrorism efforts, and opportunities for intervention.
Professor Douglas London argues that while the Trump administration replaces professionals with less capable political loyalists, the intelligence community will be harder to compromise.
Professor Ali Vaez argues for the need to create a military de-escalation channel to avoid inadvertent conflict in moments of crisis between the U.S. and Iran.
Professor Spencer Boyer calls for the U.S. to lead strong transatlantic policy and intelligence cooperation to counter election-undermining Russian disinformation during the pandemic.
Professor Mathew Burrows argues that there should be an institutionalization of strategic foresight into policymaking, as there is currently no effective way of integrating the two.
Professor Elizabeth Stanley discusses how the methods our thinking brain chooses to alleviate anxiety may paradoxically make stress worse during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Professor Oriana Mastro discusses the nature of hereditary autocracies and warns that the U.S. will likely face a crisis if instability hits Pyongyang.
Professor Elizabeth Stanley shares techniques for boosting resilience during the coronavirus pandemic in the inaugural episode of SFS Online & On Topic.
Professor Matthew Levitt briefs on Hezbollah’s financing operations in Europe, as well as how EU members states have tackled these fundraising efforts.