Professor Douglas London argues that Afghan peace deal with the Taliban falls short and says the masquerade is dangerous for U.S. and regional security.
Professor Abraham Denmark argues that the PRC is unlikely to go the way of the USSR by examining the implications to China’s foreign and domestic policies.
Professor Sean McFate discusses his book, “The New Rules of War,” with an in-depth analysis of great power competition between the U.S. and China (20:00).
Professor Christine Fair discusses the inspiration behind her course, Irregular Warfare in Film, and its goal of helping students develop media literacy skills.
Professors Oriana Mastro and Abraham are featured in the recently-released “China Challenge” hearings, speaking in the second session on security and military developments.
Professor Matthew Levitt explores Iran’s possible operational shifts after the death of Qassem Soleimani, showing that it may include homegrown violent extremist terrorist attacks.