Category: News

Title: Faculty Profile: David Edelstein

Where are you from and what path brought you to SSP?

I grew up in Cherry Hill, NJ and went to college in central New York (Colgate). Grad school at University of Chicago. fellowships at Stanford and Harvard after that. Georgetown was a great job, and I was lucky enough to get it.

What are you working on right now?

I’m working on a few articles having to do with dynamics of great power politics, including what the concept of great power competition means today.

What is your favorite thing about SSP?

The mix of students.

If you could teach any course at all, what would that be?

I hope to teach a class in the future on Great Power Politics. I’ve been conceiving it for a while.

What is your favorite thing to do in DC?

Run on the C&O Canal Towpath.

What would your advice be to SSP students be hoping to start a career in your field?

Distinguish yourself through what you know, not just what you do. That is: don’t obsess over internships!